Publication Opportunities
Proceedings &, Editorial Book & Peer-reviewed Journals
Online Presentation
Online Presentation Opportunity on Zoom Platform
Certificate issued in your name with Wet Signature
The opportunity to meet and network with reputable academics at a well-established 21st event
On behalf of the Organization Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the XXI. International Symposium on Econometrics, Operational Research and Statistics -21. ISEOS 2021- which will be hosted by the Econometrics Departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in our country and take place from 08 - 10 September 2021 on the Electronic platform (zoom meeting) (
21 st International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics aims to gather academicians and professionals to discuss their latest research findings on the econometrics, operations research and statistics. The conference will also serve as a valuable platform for discussing innovative and thought-provoking ideas on the mentioned issues and to acquire collaboration opportunities. 21 st ISEOS symposium includes plenary sessions and parallel sessions.
It is a great excitement and pride that in 2021 the 21 st International Symposium on Econometrics, Operational Research and Statistics will be hosted the Econometrics Departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in our country. You are more than welcome to submit a proposal for presentation. For further relevant information please visit ( or write [email protected] for your inquiries. The languages of 21. ISEOS are English and Turkish. We would be honored to meet you in the Symposium. Sincerely

Prof. Dr. Murat ATAN
Prof. Dr. Murat ATAN ISEOS 2020 Organizing Committee Chair Department of Econometrics
“Our congress will be held online as the process regarding the Covid-19 pandemic is uncertain and it is predicted to not end soon. Through the Zoom program, our congress will be easily participated and the process will be managed by a professional team. For anyone who wants to participate and listen, the congress will be just a click away. ”

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until 20 August 2021.
Announcement of Accepted Papers 21.08.2021
Deadline for Registration: 30.08.2021
Announcement of the Conference Program: 03.09.2021
Beginning of the Conference: 08.09.2021
Deadline for Submission of Full Texts: 01.09.2021

Linear Time Series Analysis
Financial Econometrics
Macro Econometrics
Micro Econometrics
Panel Data Analysis
Health Econometrics
Applied Econometrics
Econometrics in Social Sciences
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Experiment Design and Analysis of Variance
Statistical analysis
Statistical Quality Control
Decision Theory
Regression Analysis
Data mining
Statistics in Social Sciences
Fuzzy Set Theory
Multi-Purpose (Criteria) Decision Making (Making) Techniques
Nonlinear Programming
Genetic Algorithm
Machine Learning
Mathematical Programming
Quantitative Decision Methods
Optimization Techniques
Game Theory
Risk management
Stochastic Processes
Supply Chain and Management
Transport Models
Artificial neural networks
Operations Research in Social Sciences

Publication Possibilities
Abstract / Full Text Publication in Proceedings Book
The papers presented at the conference will be published as an e-book with ISBN. Authors can have their abstracts or full texts published in the conference full text book.
Publication Fee: The publication fee for the conference abstracts and full texts books is included in the conference participation fee, and no additional fee is charged.
Deadline for submitting full texts: 01 September 2021
Chapter in an Editorial Book
The papers presented at the conference will be published in an editorial book according to their fields. Authors will be able to publish their papers as an article section in an editorial book with ISBN and banded appropriate for their field. Editorial books will be published electronically. The works sent to these books will be subject to the review of the relevant boards and proof-reading may be requested for English studies if necessary.
Publication Fee: Editorial book chapter publication fee is inclueded in the participation fee for the conference, and so no additional fee is charged.
Deadline for submitting chapter(s) to editorial book: 08 October 2021
Publication in Indexed Journals
Dileyen katılımcılar sundukları bildirileri dergi kurullarından geçmek koşuluyla, uluslararası hakemli ve indeksli dergilerde yayınlatabilecektir.
Publication Fee: Journal publication fee is inclueded in the participation fee for the conference, and so no additional fee is charged.
Dergiler hakkında detaylı bilgiye aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz:
Deadline for submitting articles to the journal: 08 October 2021

The participation fee for all authors who present a paper to the conference is 50 $ . Those who pay this participation fee can choose one of the publication opportunities they wish. The same fee applies to authors who will only publish abstracts.
An author can participate in the congress with a maximum of 2 papers. No extra fee is charged for the second paper he presents.
The conference fee for students who will present a paper within the scope of young researchers sessions is 25 $.

Manage your congresses, conferences and all other events quickly and flexibly with MAESTRO; Get the benefits of custom scale creation, virtual pos, editable certificate / acceptance letter / name badge.
- Paper Collection
Online Presentation
Virtual POS
Academic Platform
Dynamic Form
Technical support
Young Researchers Session
Special sessions will be held in our congress where researchers who work within the scope of the specified themes of the congress and continue their graduate or doctoral studies can make their presentations. Thus, an environment will be created where researchers who are at the beginning of academic life can express themselves and contribute to their field of study.
In this context, all researchers (whose names are in the presented study) who will present their studies must be continuing their master's or doctoral education.
" Most Innovative Young Researcher Paper" will also be selected among the papers to be presented within the scope of the Young Researchers sessions. The selected paper will be presented with an award certificate.
The participation fee for the researchers who will present a paper in the Young Researchers sessions is 25 USD and they will be able to benefit from all the facilities related to the conference.
In this context, the researchers who will present their papers are required to upload their papers on the same system and select the "Young Researchers" title in the theme selection.
We will be glad to see all researchers at the beginning of their academic career among us.