Young Researchers Session
Special sessions will be held in our congress where researchers who work within the scope of the specified themes of the congress and continue their graduate or doctoral studies can make their presentations. Thus, an environment will be created where researchers who are at the beginning of academic life can express themselves and contribute to their field of study.
In this context, all researchers (whose names are in the presented study) who will present their studies must be continuing their master's or doctoral education.
" Most Innovative Young Researcher Paper" will also be selected among the papers to be presented within the scope of the Young Researchers sessions. The selected paper will be presented with an award certificate.
The participation fee for the researchers who will present a paper in the Young Researchers sessions is 25 USD and they will be able to benefit from all the facilities related to the conference.
In this context, the researchers who will present their papers are required to upload their papers on the same system and select the "Young Researchers" title in the theme selection.
We will be glad to see all researchers at the beginning of their academic career among us.