Prof.Dr. Murat ATAN

Keynote Speaker

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, Ankara / TÜRKİYE

Prof. Dr. Pedro Carneiro

Keynote Speaker

Department of Economics University College London / United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Pedro Carneiro

Keynote Speaker
Pedro Carneiro Department of Economics, University College London Tel: (44) (0)20 35495361 Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom Fax: (44) (0)20 76795489 Webpage: Email: [email protected] Current Employment Professor University College London 2012- Research Economist Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice 2005- Research Fellow Institute for Fiscal Studies 2005- Adjunct Professor FAIR, NHH 2019- Past Employment Associate Professor (Reader) University College London 2009-2012 Associate Professor Georgetown University 2011-2012 Assistant Professor (Lecturer) University College London 2003-2009 Visiting Associate Professor Georgetown University 2008-2009 Visiting Economist World Bank 2008-2009 Education Ph.D. in Economics, The University of Chicago 2003 Advisor: James Heckman M.A. in Economics, The University of Chicago 1998 Licenciatura in Economics, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa 1997 Editorial Activity Associate Editor – The Econometrics Journal (2018-) Board of Editors – American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2013-2016) Associate Editor – Journal of Human Capital (2013-2016) Published and Forthcoming Papers in Journals 1. The Impacts of a Multifaceted Pre-natal Intervention on Human Capital Accumulation in Early Life (with Lucy Kraftman, Giacomo Mason, Lucie Moore, Imran Rasul and Molly Scott), conditionally accepted at the American Economic Review 2. Improving Access and Quality in Early Childhood Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from the Gambia (with Moussa Blimpo, Pamela Jervis and Todd Pugatch), forthcoming at Economic Development and Cultural Change 3. Intergenerational Mobility and the Timing of Parental Income (with Italo Lopez-Garcia, Kjell Salvanes and Emma Tominey), forthcoming at Journal of Political Economy 4. The Effect of Gender-Targeted Conditional Cash Transfers on Household Expenditures: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (with Alex Armand, Orazio Attanasio and Valerie Lechene), forthcoming at Economic Journal 5. Please Call Me John: Name Choice and the Assimilation of Immigrants in the United States, 1900-1930 (with Sokbae Lee and Hugo Reis), Labour Economics, 62, 2020 6. Optimal Data Collection for Randomized Control Trials (with Sokbae Lee and Daniel Wilhelm), Econometrics Journal, 23(1), 1-31, 2020 7. School Grants and Education Quality: Experimental Evidence from Senegal (with Oswald Koussihouede, Nathalie Lahire, Costas Meghir and Corina Mommaerts), Economica, 87, 28-51, 2020 8. Tackling Social Exclusion: Evidence from Chile (with Emanuela Galasso and Rita Ginja), Economic Journal, 129(617), 2019 9. Measuring and Changing Control: Women’s Empowerment and Targeted Transfers (with Ingvild Almas, Alex Armand, and Orazio Attanasio), Economic Journal, 128(612), 2018 10. Enforcement of Labor Regulation and Job Flows: Evidence from Brazilian Cities (with Ana Abras, Rita Almeida and Carlos Corseuil), IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 8(1), 2018 11. Do Public Health Interventions Crowd Out Private Health Investments? Malaria Control Policies in Eritrea (with Alex Armand, Andrea Locatelli, Selam Mihreteab and Joseph Keating), Labour Economics, 2017 12. Average and Marginal Returns to Upper Secondary Schooling in Indonesia (with Michael Lokshin, Cristobal Ridao-Cano, and Nithin Umapathi), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31(4), 2017 13. Partial Insurance and Investments in Children (with Rita Ginja), Economic Journal, 126(October), 2016 14. Teacher Quality and Learning Outcomes in Kindergarten (with Caridad Araujo, Yyannu Cruz and Norbert Schady), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(3), 2016 15. Challenges to Promoting the Social Inclusion of the Extreme Poor: Evidence from a Large Scale Experiment in Colombia (with Laura Abramovsky, Orazio Attanasio, Kai Barron and George Stoye), Economia – Journal of the LACEA, 16(2), 2016 16. A Flying Start? Maternity Leave Benefits and Long Run Outcomes of Children (with Katrine Loken and Kjell Salvanes), Journal of Political Economy, 123(2), 2015. 17. Long Term Impacts of Compensatory Pre-School on Health and Behavior: Evidence from Head Start (with Rita Ginja), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(4), 135-73, 2014. 18. Maternal Education, Home Environments and Child Development (with Costas Meghir and Matthias Parey), Journal of European Economic Association, 11(S1), 2013. 19. Enforcement of Labor Regulation and Informality (with Rita Almeida), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4(3), 2012 20. Trends in Quality Adjusted Skill Premia in the United States (with Sokbae Lee), American Economic Review, 101 (6), 2011. 21. Estimating Marginal Returns to Education (with James Heckman and Edward Vytlacil), American Economic Review, 101 (6), 2011. 22. Evaluating Indoor Residual Spray for Reducing Malaria Infection Prevalence in Eritrea: Results from a Community Randomized Control Trial (with Joseph Keating, Andrea Locatelli, Andemariam Gebremichael, Tewolde Ghebremeskel, Jacob Mufunda, Selam Mihreteab and Daniel Berhane), Acta Tropica, 119 (2-3), 107-113, 2011 23. Evaluating Marginal Policy Changes and the Average Effect of Treatment for Individuals at the Margin (with James Heckman and Edward Vytlacil), Econometrica, 78, 1, 2010. 24. Estimating Distributions of Potential Outcomes Using Instrumental Variables with an Application to Changes in College Enrolment and Wage Inequality (with Sokbae Lee), Journal of Econometrics, 2009 25. Enforcement of Regulation, Informal Employment, Firm Size and Firm Performance (with Rita Almeida), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2009 26. The Returns to Firm Investment in Human Capital (with Rita Almeida), Labour Economics, 2008 27. Inequality of Opportunity and Inequality in Education Achievement in Portugal, Portuguese Economic Journal, 7(1), April 2008 28. Labor Market Discrimination and Racial Differences in Pre-Market Factors (with James Heckman and Dimitriy Masterov), Journal of Law and Economics, 2005. 29. Methods for Evaluating the Impact of Education Policies when the Return to Education Varies Across Individuals, Cuadernos de Economia, 2003. 30. Estimating Distributions of Counterfactuals with an Application to the Returns to Schooling and Measurement of the Effect of Uncertainty on Schooling Choice (with Karsten Hansen and James Heckman), International Economic Review, 2003 31. The Evidence on Credit Constraints in Post-Secondary Schooling (with James Heckman), Economic Journal, 2002. 32. Removing the Veil of Ignorance in Assessing the Distributional Impacts of Social Policy (with Karsten Hansen and James Heckman), Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2001. Papers under revision 33. The Value of Private Schools: Evidence from Pakistan (with Jishnu Das and Hugo Reis), revise and resubmit at Review of Economics and Statistics 34. How Does Labor Demand React to Changes in the Supply of Skills? Evidence from a Schooling Reform in Norway (with Kai Liu and Kjell Salvanes), revise and resubmit at Journal of the European Economic Association Submitted Papers 35. Experimental Impacts of a Subsidized Employment Program in Macedonia (with Alex Armand, Federico Tagliati, Yiming Xia), 2020 36. Interactions: Do Teacher Behaviors Predict Achievement, Executive Function, and NonCognitive Outcomes in Elementary School (with Alejandra Campos, Yyannu Cruz-Aguayo and Norbert Schady), 2020 37. When Promising Interventions Fail: Personalized Coaching for Teachers in a Middle Income Country (with Yyannu Cruz-Aguayo, Ruthy Intriago, Juan Ponce, Norbert Schady, Sarah Schodt), 2020 Working Papers 38. The effect of classroom rank on learning throughout elementary school: experimental evidence from Ecuador (with Yyannu Cruz Aguayo, Francesca Salvati, and Norbert Schady) 39. Evaluating the Effects of a Large Scale Parenting Intervention in Chile: Nadie Es Perfecto (with Paula Bedregal, Miguel Cordero, Emanuela Galasso, Italo Lopez Garcia), 2019 40. Experimental Estimates of the Education Production Function: Sensitive Periods and Dynamic Complementarity (with Yyannu Cruz and Norbert Schady), 2018 41. Local labor market shocks and learning about the returns to schooling (with Alex Armand and Alessandro Toppeta), 2018 42. The value added of social workers (with Emanuela Galasso, Rita Ginja and Lucy Kraftman), 2018 43. Where Girls Are Not: Gender, Socio-Economic Status, and Math Achievement in Early Elementary School (with Yyannu Cruz and Norbert Schady), 2017 44. Improving Parental Investments in Children: Experimental Evidence from the Gambia (with Moussa Blimpo, Pamela Jervis, and Todd Pugatch), 2016 45. Spillovers in Social Program Participation: Evidence from Chile (with Barbara Flores, Emanuela Galasso, Rita Ginja, and Aureo de Paula), 2016 46. Free Access to Day Care, Labor Supply, and Child Development (with Orazio Attanasio, Ricardo Barros, David Evans, Lycia Lima, Pedro Olinto and Norbert Schady), 2016 47. Who Benefits from Large Scale Early Childhood Interventions: Evidence from England (with Sarah Cattan and Claire Crawford), 2016 48. Accounting for Selection in Age-Earnings Profiles (with Marta Lopes and Cristina Santos), 2016 49. The Impact of Early Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Later Outcomes (with Sarah Cattan, Claire Crawford and Alissa Goodman), 2016 Book Chapters 50. The economics of vocational education and training (with Lorraine Dearden and Anna Vignoles), in International encyclopedia of education: volume 8, eds P Peterson, E Baker & B McGaw, Elsevier, Oxford, pp.255-261, 2010. 51. Which Skills Matter (with Claire Crawford and Alissa Goodman), in D. Kehoe, Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Practical Learning, Social Markets Foundation, 2007. 52. Understanding the Sources of Ethnic and Racial Wage Gaps and Their Implications for Policy (with James J. Heckman and Dimitry V. Masterov), in L. Nielsen and R. Nelson, Rights and Realities: Legal and Social Scientific Approaches to Employment Discrimination, Springer-Verlag, 2005. 53. Human Capital Policy for Europe, European Economy, Special Report no 3/2004, European Commision, 2004. 54. Human Capital Policy (with James Heckman), in Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies (edited by James Heckman and Alan Krueger), MIT Press, 2003. Book Chapters in Portuguese 55. Igualdade de Oportunidades no Acesso Ao Ensino Superior, in Igualdade de Genero e Igualdade de Ensino, eds R. Patricio, L. Botto, M. Krupenski, Instituto Miguel Galvao Teles, 2017 56. Inspecção do trabalho e evolução do emprego formal no Brasil (with Carlos Corseuil and Rita Almeida), in Causas e Consequências da Informalidade no Brasil, eds. F. Filho, G. Ulyssea, F. Veloso, FGV IBRE, 2016 57. A educação em Portugal numa perspectiva comparada: factos e prioridades de política, in A Economia Portuguesa na União Europeia: 1986-2000, eds. F. Alexandre, P. Bação, P. Lains, M. Martins, M. Portela, M. Simões, Actual Editora, 2014 58. Educação, Desigualdade e Crescimento, in Encontro de Saberes – Três Gerações de Bolseiros da Gulbenkian, eds. A. Tostões, E. Oliveira, J. Paixão and P. Magalhães), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006 Grants ERC Consolidator Grant, 2016-2021 (PI) – Skills and Poverty, €1913934 3IE, 2012-2016 (co-PI with Orazio Attanasio) - Evaluation of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Macedonia, $300000 World Bank, 2010-2011 (co-PI with Emanuela Galasso, Flavio Cunha, and Italo Lopez-Garcia) - Evaluation of a Parenting Intervention in Chile, $500000 World Bank, 2011-2012 (co-PI with Moussa Blimpo and Nathalie Lahire) – Improving Parental Investments in Children, $100000 World Bank, 2010-2011 (co-PI with Emanuela Galasso, Miguel Cordero, and Paula Bedregal) - Evaluation of a Parenting Intervention in Chile, $100000 3IE, 2010-2016 (co-PI with Orazio Attanasio and Ricardo Paes de Barros) - Evaluation of Alternative Child Care Options in Rio de Janeiro, $1000000 World Bank, 2010-2011 (co-PI with Emanuela Galasso) - Evaluation of a Nadie es Perfecto in Chile, $200000 World Bank, 2009-2010 (co-PI with Costas Meghir) – Evaluation of Projets d'Ecole in Senegal, $900000 World Bank, 2008-2009 (co-PI with Emanuela Galasso) – The Evaluation of Chile Solidario, $80000 World Bank, 2008-2009 (co-PI with Costas Meghir) – Malaria Prevention in Eritrea, Nigeria and Congo, $72000 Economic and Social Research Council, 2008-2010 – Labor Market Regulation in Economies with Large Informal Sectors (PI), £100000 Economic and Social Research Council, 2007-2009 – Composition Effects and Wage Inequality (PI; co-investigator: Simon Lee), £100000 Economic and Social Research Council / DFID, 2006-2009 – Human Development in Developing Countries (co-investigator; PI: Orazio Attanasio), £700000 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006-2008 – Attitudes to Education (co-investigator; PI: Alissa Goodman and Paul Gregg), £200000 Affiliations Research Fellow of Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration Research Fellow of IZA, Bonn Research Fellow of CEPR Research Fellow of HCEO External Member of NOVAFRICA Awards Doctoral Fellowship, Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia 1997-2001 Doctoral Fellowship, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 2001-2002 Doctoral Fellowship, University of Chicago 1998-2003 Dissertation Award – Honorable, Upjohn Institute 2004 Other Activities Economic Advisory Council, Millenium Challenge Corporation, 2019- Juror of Global Teacher Prize Portugal, 2018- Program Committee of Annual Meetings of Econometric Society, European Economic Association, Royal Economic Society, Portuguese Economic Journal, Lisbon Meetings on the Economics of Education President of Scientific Board for Social Sciences and Humanities, Fundacao Ciencia e Tecnologia, 2012-2013 Member of Scientific Board for Social Sciences and Humanities, Fundacao Ciencia e Tecnologia, 2013-2015 Member of Advisory Group of Commission for Growth and Development Consultant for international organizations and governments Lecturer, Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon, Portugal Lecturer, National School of Government, London, UK Refereeing Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Applied Econometrics, National Science Foundation, Labour, Economic Inquiry, Regional Studies, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Economics and Business Statistics, International Economic Review, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, SRDC Canada, Inter-American Development Bank, Labour Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Fiscal Studies, Journal of Human Resources, PNRA France, Portuguese Economic Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, NWO Netherlands, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economics of Transition, American Economic Journal - Applied, American Economic Journal - Policy.

Prof.Dr. Andrew Chesher


Department of Economics, University College London/ United Kingdom

Dr. Senay Sokullu


University of Bristol Department of Economics, UK

Prof.Dr. Myoung-jae Lee

Keynote Speaker

Department of Economics Korea University

Prof.Dr. Myoung-jae Lee

Keynote Speaker
Department of Economics Korea University

Department of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Department of Economics Korea University